Progesterone ELISA Test kit Intended Use
The Progesterone ELISA Kit is for the quantitative determination of Progesterone concentration in human serum or plasma.
Progesterone ELISA Kit Components:
• Microplate: 96 wells coated with goat anti-rabbit IgG
• Reference Standard Set
• Pregesterone -HRP Conjugate Concentrate
• Rabbit Anti-Progesterone Reagent
• Progesterone Conjugate Diluent
• Pregesterone Control 1 and 2
• TMB Reagent
• Stop Solution
Method Principle
This Diagnostic Automation/ Cortez Diagnostics Inc. Progesterone ELISA Kit is a quantitative test based on the principle of competitive binding between progesterone in the test specimen and progesterone-HRP conjugate for a constant amount of rabbit anti-progesterone. For further details please refer to complete instructions manual supplied with the product.
Background Information
Progesterone a C21 steroid, is synthesized from both tissue and circulating cholesterol. The principle production sites are the adrenals, ovaries and the placenta during pregnancy. The majority of this steroid is metabolized in the liver to pregnanediol and conjugated as a glucuronide prior to excretion by the kidneys. Progesterone exhibits a wide variety of end organ effects. The primary role of progesterone is exhibited by the reproductive organs. Progesterone concentration increases rapidly following ovulation and remains elevated for 4-6 days and decreases to the initial level 24 hours before the onset of menstruation. In pregnancy, placental progesterone production rises steadily to levels of 10 to 20 times those of the luteal phase peak. Progesterone measurements are thus performed to determine ovulation as well as to characterize luteal phase defects. Monitoring of progesterone therapy and early stage pregnancy evaluations comprise the remaining uses of progesterone assays.
For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.