ANCA Screen IgG ELISA Test kit Intended Use
Human ANCA Screen ELISA test kit is intended for the qualitative detection of anti-Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and/or anti-Proteinase-3 (PR3) IgG antibody in human serum. This test kit is used as an aid in the diagnosis of various autoimmune vasculitic disorders characterized by elevated levels of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA).
ANCA Screen Kit Components:
• Microplate: 96 wells coated with a mixture of MPO and PR3 antigen
• Peroxidase Conjugated goat anti-human IgG
• Positive Control (Human Serum)
• Calibrator (Human Serum)
• Negative Control (Human Serum)
• ANCA Test Kit Sample Diluent
• TMB Substrate Solution
• Stop Solution (1M H2SO4, 0.7M HCL)
• Wash Buffer Concentrate (10X)
Method Principle
This Diagnostic Automation/ Cortez Diagnostics Inc. Human ANCA Screen IgG ELISA Test kit is based on the principle of ELISA- Indirect assay using a mixture of highly purified mixture of MPO and PR3 antigen coated microwells. Antibodies against these antigens, if present in diluted serum or plasma, bind to the respective antigens. For further details please refer to complete instructions manual supplied with the product.
Background Information
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) are a group of autoantibodies against antigen in the cytoplasm of granulocytes and monocytes. ANCAs are mainly IgG type and are detected in the blood in a number of autoimmune diseases, particularly Systemic Vasculitides (SV). ANCA is now recognized to include two primary specificities: C-ANCA directed against Proteinase-3 (PR-3), and P-ANCA directed against Myeloperoxidase (MPO). Testing for both P-ANCA and C-ANCA is highly recommended in the laboratory workup of patients who present with clinical features suggestive of SV. The clinical syndromes most frequently associated with ANCA are:
Wegener s granulomatosis
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Idiopathic Crescentic Glomerulonephritis (ICGN)
Kawasaki Disease
ANCA Screen IgG ELISA Test kit is used in diagnostic laboratories to detect ANCAs.
For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.